Faulcets?! Or how to get actives without money.

Alex Rahmanin
2 min readJun 16, 2021

Cryptocurrency is sometimes handed out. Sometimes just for your attention to it, and sometimes you have to perform steps such as:

subscribe to groups on social networks;

repost the pinned message;

become a member of chats in instant messengers;

send report in links.

ERC-type wallet (can be installed as a browser extension and as an application);

registration in all kinds of social networks;

a lot of patience.

It is better to take into account your referrals by projects, wallet address, data required for login, payment dates and dates of your registrations in the exel file. Do not forget to store the original wallet data in the cloud, having previously encrypted it in, say, any application for archiving. Always remember your password!

Several options for getting coins for free:

getting a certain amount of satoshi or coins for entering captcha. I do not recommend this method. Even if you spend a lot of time, you will earn almost nothing;

referral programs. Many projects pay to attract new users and members. Usually such links are recommended to friends. Don’t share a link if you don’t really find it helpful. In the case when the project is close to you and you share information about it, you can receive a reward for the interest of your friends in the project under the referral program;

“Bounty” — reward. If you can adapt the project and information about it, you will also be paid a “bounty” — a reward for completing various tasks of this project. In fact — you work for a project for a certain fee; airdrop. A free distribution of coins in order to draw attention to a new project or to focus on an old project that has been significantly changed. Most often, in order to participate in an airdrop, you need to share certain information on social networks.

You should not take these methods of making a profit seriously, but if you treat it like your job, then the results may pleasantly surprise you. Event calendars for monitoring airdrops and distributions, as well as important news from the cryptoindustry are available on the network.

Use your time wisely and your decisions will bring you profit.

Original Article Language RUS

My tools:

egg.fi Platform for the collection of official airdrops

airdropalert.com Platform for the collection of official airdrops

blockzone.com Platform for the collection of official airdrops

tokendrops.com Platform for the collection of official airdrops

pipeflare.io. Gaming platform for the collection of official airdrops

HorizenFaulcets faulcets platform

